Jack Cannon's American Destiny

Rachel Thompson

Monday, August 5, 2013

Author Interview – Bill Hiatt


Do you know your neighbors? Sadly, not very much. Of course, when I’m not in the house working on something related to my teaching (like grading student essays J), I’m likely to be in the house writing. Either teaching English or writing individual poses some social challenges; together they have practically made me a hermit, at least for the time being. With summer finally here, though, at least I only have to worry about one of the two for awhile.

What color represents your personality the most? Green is certainly my favorite color. It represents at least some aspects of my personality, including my desire to be one with the forest (in the real world or the Otherworld).

What do you hope people will take away from your writing? How will your words make them feel? I don’t want to talk too much about messages with people who haven’t read the book yet, because I want them to find the messages for themselves. As far as feelings are concerned, I want them to feel hope. I am a pretty much incurable optimist, and I want my readers to feel that optimism. Just like real lives, the lives of my characters can be disappointing…and sometimes even abysmal—but the only chance to have to overcome their problems is to keep trying, which means they have to keep believing that they can prevail.

How often do you write? And when do you write? As often as I can, which during the summer means daily; during the school year, I am lucky if I can manage once a week (Friday afternoons usually). Like many writers who are not writing full-time, I have to take my moments where I can find them!

What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life? The influence I have had on the many students I have taught over the years (approximately 4,500 of them by now). I can’t claim that being in my class is a life-altering experience, but, based on the students who have come back to visit, I would say a number of them have learned from me, not only about critical thinking and analytical writing, but about life.


From now till 5th August, be a part of Bill Hiatt's "Find Me A Treasure" book tour.

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Genre - Fantasy / Young Adult

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

Connect with Bill Hiatt on Facebook & Twitter

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