Jack Cannon's American Destiny

Rachel Thompson

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Author Interview – Vadim Babenko

What books have most influenced your life? “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy; the poetry of Alexander Pushkin and Joseph Brodsky; “The Castle” and short stories by Franz Kafka.

Have you ever considered anyone as a mentor? No, never.

Can we expect any more books from you in the future? Absolutely. The ideas for my next two novels are already well-developed.

Have you started another book yet? Yes, I have. Despite my SEMMANT marketing efforts, I’m now devoting my best morning hours to writing my next book.

What are your current writing projects now? A simple man, an underachiever, lives a lonely and boring life in the Maryland suburbs. All of a sudden, a sexy female FBI agent shows up at his front door and tells him he has a mission to save the world. He becomes the main part of a cruel experiment performed by a very powerful group. To achieve their goals, they need a machine able to model chaotic dynamical systems – such as, for instance, the entire population of a small country. Traditional computers cannot perform such a task; the idea is to use all the physical resources of a live human brain, turning it into a special kind of analogue computer. The question is: what happens then to the human being himself? And who benefits and wins at the end?

This novel explores subjects in which I have a lot of interest: freedom of thought, the power of human mind, practical applications of nonlinear sciences – and how all this relates to the real lives of real people. The book has just been started. It’ll take at least 2.5-3 years to finish and translate it into English.

What contributes to making a writer successful? Many things, but the main one is: you have to write a good book.

Do you have any advice for writers? I don’t feel I have any right to give advice, or that I know any more or anything better than other writers.

A Simple Soul

Buy Now @ Amazon & Amazon UK

Genre – Literary Fiction

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

Website http://www.vadimbabenko.com/

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